RFQ Number:  1715169/22-23

Description: Request To Supply Specialized Lab Test Equipment And Hepa Filter Test Equipment For NICD High Containment Facilities At NICD, Sandringham.

Post or Deliver RFQs to: National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), NICD 1 Modderfontein Road, Sandringham, Johannesburg. All RFQ submissions must be placed in the RFQ box at the NICD Stores.

Kindly submit a sealed quotation with the reference number inside the envelope to be deposited in the NICD Quotation box situated at NICD Stores.

Closing Date: 28 March 2023

Contact: Onthatile Diale
Tel: (011) 386 6349
Working Hours: 08:00-16:30

Late submission will not be considered and will be disqualified.

Required documents:

1. Tax Clearance Certification
2. Completed and signed SBD 4 and 6.1
3. BBBEE Certificate/Sworn Affidavit
4. CSD Report
5. Official Quotation
6. Brochure of equipment to be supplied