Post ID: 391566
RFQ Number:  REN 2021-066

Description: Replace Electric Fence In NHLS Braamfontein Campus

Please note that late coming will not be accepted

Date: 13 December 2021, 10H30am
Address: NHLS Braamfontein Campus. Meet at Security Office/ reception.

Venue:  Would you please send a sealed quotation with the reference number on the envelope in the quote box at NHLS main reception? Tender Box Corner Hospital & De korte Street Braamfontein Security office

Closing date: 15 December 2021

Closing time: 11H00AM

Contact: Tel: (011) 489 9707

Required documents:
1. Original tax clearance certification
2. Original BEE Certificate or certified copy
3. declaration of interest
4. CSD (Central database registration letter)
5. Detailed Official Quotation

Download RFQ REN 2021-066 PACK 2