Post ID: 3394
RFQ Number: KZN 1072786
Description: Renovations to TB lab at Edendale Laboratory

Please take note that no late coming will be accepted

18 February 2020 @ 09h00

Address; 25/10: Nhls Lab, Edendale Hospital, 31/2 National Rd, Machibisa, Pietermaritzburg

Address: Please send all quotations in a sealed envelope to NHLS-KZN Regional Office.149 Prince Street, Durban ,4001.Reception in the quotation box

Closing Date:  25 February  2020 @11h00 am

Contact: Desmond Govender Tel:(031)-3276755

Required documents:

1. Tax clearance certificate
2. BBBEE certificate
3. Declaration of interest
4. CSD (Central Database Registration Letter)