Post ID: 568
Bid Number: RFB058/ 20/ 21
Description: Placement or Outright Purchase of Gel Electrophoresis for Groote Schuur Laboratory with service and maintenance for a period of (5) five years

Briefing Session: To be held on 04 December 2020, at 11:00.
VENUE:NHLS main reception National Health Laboratory Service 1 Modderfontein Road.
Site Meeting(s):
VENUE: NHLS main reception National Health Laboratory Service 1 Modderfontein Road.

Closing date: 14 December 2020

Bids obtainable from:, Cost of Documents: n/a,
Payment Details: n/a
Post or Deliver Bids to: NHLS, 1 Modderfontein Road, Sandringham,
Johannesburg. All bid submissions must be placed in the tender box at the
NHLS main reception, all late submission will be disqualified
For technical information please contact: Emmy Galane. Tel: 011 386 6165.

Fax: 011 386 6218 Email: Hours: 08:30 -16:30.
For completion of bid documents please contact: Emmy Galane,
Tel: 011386 6165, Fax: 011 386 6218, Email:,
Hours:07:30 – 17:00.