RFQ Number: KZN 1060331

Description: Decon & Service – Decontamination And Service For Class II Biohazard Safety Cabinets At NHLS KZN Various Labs

NB: Bidder must ensure that the RFQ document is duly completed and signed where applicable.

Post or Deliver RFQs to: Please send all quotations in a sealed envelope to NHLS-KZN Regional Office. 149 Prince Street, Durban 4001.Reception in the quotation box.

Closing Date: 31 March 2023

Contact: KZN Procurement Department
E-mail: RFQ.Kzn@nhls.ac.za

Tel:(031)-3276762 / 6722

Please note that late coming will not be accepted

Required documents:

1. Tax clearance certificate
2. BBBEE certificate
3. Declaration of interest
4. CSD Registration Report ( within the RFQ period)