Item RFB Number Description
1 RFB 011/14/15 Provision of a primary supplier for oracle, information technology (IT) contracted services
2 RFB023/14/15 Provision of a primary supplier for information & knowledge management and enterprise
3 RFB 024/14/15 Provision of a primary supplier for information & knowledge management and enterprise architecture contracted services and resources to be rendered to the NHLS for a period of three (3) years on an ad-hoc basis (re-issue of rfb 011/14-15)
4 RFB 018/14/15 Placement of Glycated Haemoglobin (hba1c) analyser (hplc or cze method) – NHLS TAD
5 RFB 026/14/15 Purchase of nose only inhalation chamber with Aerosol Dilution Chamber, Generator, Monitoring System, Validation and Exhaust System
6 RFB 004/14/15 Distribution of specimens nationally between NHLS and NICD facilities
7 RFB 021/14/15 Provision of competency framework library and skills audit services to the NHLS
8 RFB 027/14/15 Provision of cellular services (voice, sms and data)-re-issue of RFB 061/13-14 for a period of three (3)years
9 RFB 036/14/15 Electrical upgrade & HVAC installation for the NHLS
10 RFB 038/14/15 Construction of a Biosafety lab facility for the NIOH Braamfontein