RFQ Number:  1995215/1935146/1995919

Description: Supply And Install Air Conditioners To Various Labs In Limpopo

It is strongly recommended that the Bidders visit the Labs to familiarize themselves with the installation requirements

Post or Deliver RFQs to : Please send a sealed quotation with the reference number and description on the envelope by hand or via courier to: Elizabeth Ntobeng, NHLS Reception, Building 23, Ground Floor, Csir Pretoria Campus, Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Pretoria

Closing Date: 23 March 2023

Contact: Elizabeth.ntobeng@nhls.ac.za
Tel: (012) 842 7603

Late submission will not be considered and will be disqualified.

Required documents:

1. Tax Clearance Certificate /Pin (not expired)
2. BBBEE Certificate / Affidavit (not expired)
3. Updated CSD Registration Report (Not summary / history report) within the RFQ advert period
4. Fully completed RFQ Document (Initial each page of the RFQ document)
5. Fully Completed BOQ
6. Valid Letter of good standing
7. 3x References or Certificates of completion
8. Valid CIDB Grading Level ME
9. Valid Air Conditioner Trade Test Certificate
10.Valid Electrical Wireman’s license
11.pecify air conditioner trade
12.Curriculum Vitae of Project Manager that will be responsible for the project
13.Proof of address or lease agreement.
14.ID Copies of Director/ Members